Hypothyroidism – A Metabolic disaster

Hypothyroidism – A Metabolic disaster

“Sometimes it takes me 8 hours to get NOTHING done !!” …Nobody more than those suffering from hypothyroid can understand this better. It is such a life-crumbling experience to have this disease ! It is nothing less than a metabolic disaster !! To understand Why, What and How hypothyroidism is a metabolic disaster and how […]

Don’t FOOL yourself !


Today, every family has at least one member suffering from lifestyle diseases…diabetes, hypertention, high cholesterol and lipids, coronary artery disease have become common household names! According to WHO, One in four Indians above the age of 30 runs the risk of dying from these lifestyle diseases!!! The moment you are diagnosed with, for example diabetes, […]

It’s World Down’s Syndrom day today!


On this occasion, we share with you testimonial by mother of a child having Down’s Syndrom. Her mother’s verbatim … “Anya had come to Dr. Prasad and Dr. Falguni in a very bad state as she had suffered from Atlanto Axial Dislocation (AAD). She was advised surgery by other doctors and we were very concerned […]